Chrissy: This rings very true to each of them, and I love that.
(03.01.2007, 10:05)

Annie: Oh, I love it! Tay's attention span, or lack thereof, was very well done, and Melba and Helen cracked me up. Overall, good job and it's a pretty damn good Christmas gift. =]
(03.01.2007, 14:46)

Evaine: Cute and goofy. Yep... Taylor and Dave. *grin*
(03.01.2007, 19:02)

Alessia: God, I loved that!! That was so hilarious! Well done!
(09.03.2008, 16:08)

Leatrix: Good to see a talnet at work. I can’t match that.
(20.06.2011, 13:25)

vuiwdprim: lrOlsb <a href="">svtnkjzoztyo</a>
(21.06.2011, 02:23)

egktglfs: B52wJs <a href="">upjbzfvlbqte</a>
(23.06.2011, 03:06)

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