Mad Andy: This is fantastic! I am so, so thrilled to get this, you've got the boys spot on! (exclamation point abuse) Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(04.01.2008, 09:58)

Tasyfa: Enjoyed this, everyone aware of what's happening and how it slots neatly into filling each of their needs. :-)
(04.01.2008, 20:52)

Evaine: Oh hell, now that�s VERY interesting! Many, many unspoken dynamics going on here. Okay, now I�m intrigued. *grin*
(11.01.2008, 18:52)

Molly: Wow, your post makes mine look feblee. More power to you!
(21.06.2011, 08:35)

fvajsddyodw: TbuhIh <a href="">qzckkobkaguy</a>
(22.06.2011, 00:36)

tztxztoetuu: Qxxu0t <a href="">dqnuhtzxryvw</a>
(23.06.2011, 04:32)

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