sidewinder: I just...shit, this story just broke me. I've easily read it a half-dozen times already. I just adore all the little references and details, the way certain scenes *really feel like dreams* (and I love Sandman so it was an extra thrill seeing that). Parts of this story left me cackling with laughter and others broke my heart (but in a good way). - - So once again, THANK YOU. I never would have imagined getting a story like this from that pairing request & prompt, but am so thrilled that I did.
(04.01.2009, 06:37)

Anonymous: omg That was cracktaculous! What a great story.
(04.01.2009, 10:09)

Anon: This is insane! In the best way, of course. The dreams are disjointed and wacky and SO much like dreaming, and God the frustration is palpable, I'm so in Stewart's head it's getting to me the way it gets to him, that long nonsensical journey to some kind of answer. Brilliant, brilliant work.
(04.01.2009, 11:13)

D: That was one seriously entertaining, bizarro trip, like reading inside a cyclone. Screwy and disjointed and frenzied and confusing, lots of details, funny as hell at times (the Cosby Show bit!), yet really poignant. Reading this I was breathless; finishing I was exhausted. - - *standing fucking O*
(04.01.2009, 14:45)

Jodie: I’m not wtohry to be in the same forum. ROTFL
(20.06.2011, 06:00)

hspoazqtfw: 2IXHMa <a href="">bpjykoxnzblx</a>
(20.06.2011, 10:03)

pgbnzbchwz: 8O3ICh <a href="">gwbklxqqvkqd</a>
(22.06.2011, 03:06)

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Script by Alex