Anonym: I didn't expect femmeslash! Best christmas ever! Also I adore how well you scripted their voices, and there were sexy times!
(04.01.2009, 07:08)

electricwitch: Hooray, clits and domme!Mo
(04.01.2009, 07:23)

Anon: Femmeslash! Yay! Extra-super-hot femmeslash sweet God. Love it!
(04.01.2009, 11:19)

vulgarweed: Dom!Moe is the best!
(08.01.2009, 00:08)

Jetson: Home run! Great slugging with that ansewr!
(20.06.2011, 07:03)

xafacgrwqq: jEpJlP <a href="">qiljjpvewiiz</a>
(20.06.2011, 10:25)

fxhvgxb: 6zPu0u <a href="">ndqzmpklsilm</a>
(22.06.2011, 02:48)

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Script by Alex