Anonymous: Hahaha omg. I feel so bad for all the other people on the bus. Kirk and Cliff are cute together. Very nice moment when they first kiss.
(04.01.2009, 09:41)
kelpie: Really nice and captures the feel of a long bus ride. Fun to see their relationship grow with the ride.
(04.01.2009, 10:15)
Evaine: Baby Met!! *squeals* And so adorable and BOYISH!! I loved the references to Orion throughout. Nicely done, very nicely done! Thank you!!
(04.01.2009, 10:19)
khemlab: Oh, thank you so, so much. This was wonderful. I laughed out loud at Cliff's outrage from Kirk not being, like, TOTALLY INTO Rush. Heehee! Perfect. And the snuggly-warmness of the bus trip...I love it.
- My favorite line: They slept on, blissfully unaware of anything but comforting warmth and big dreams.
- And the way you worked Orion into the story...awww. Very, very sweet.
(04.01.2009, 12:54)
Script by Alex