Title: Vicious
Written for Joanne
Lou Reed (The Velvet Underground)/David Bowie He knew, of course, that David was nothing if not false.
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Title: Convince Me
Written for Trin
Metallica (Cliff Burton/Lars Ulrich) "Convince me," Cliff drawled. "Tell me what you can offer me to join your band."
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Title: Cover Me
Written for electricwitch
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band (Bruce Springsteen/Clarence Clemons) Clarence is starting to get worried.
1966 words /
Title: What We Used To Have
Written for karaokegal
Van Halen (David Lee Roth/Eddie Van Halen) He went and fucked me up good.
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Title: Creepshow
Written for Scaramouche
Skid Row (Rachel Bolan/Sebastian Bach) Rachel turned his head. "Ohshitohshitohshitohfuckinggod." A giant fucking pig-sticking butcher knife arced in the air, gripped in a giant, fleshy fist.
3682 words /
Title: Devil's Dance
Written for Trin
Dave Mustaine/Lars Ulrich "I want you to come." Lars heard the Scottish wind in his ear. He wasn't being unreasonable or rude, and was trying his best not to bait the man on the other end.
6219 words /
Title: The Voice
Written for Soobie
Rainbow (Ritchie Blackmore/Ronnie James Dio) He fell in love with his voice before he fell in love with him.
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